
Buying a home while considering your children school


Buying a home while considering your children school ?

Kids go to school
Kids go to school

Jerusalem, being a diverse and historic city, has several reputable schools across different sectors, including public, private, religious, and international schools. The “best” school often depends on individual preferences, such as the type of education, language of instruction, and specific academic or extracurricular offerings.

Here are a few well-regarded schools in Jerusalem across different sectors:

  1. Israel Arts and Science Academy (IASA): A prestigious public high school for gifted students in the sciences and arts.
  2. The Jerusalem American International School (JAIS): An international school offering an American curriculum and an English-language education.
  3. Reut School: A secular public high school known for its academic excellence.
  4. Boy’s Town Jerusalem: A religious Jewish high school providing a blend of religious and secular education.
  5. The Jerusalem School of Beit Hanina: A private, co-educational, English-speaking Christian school offering American curriculum.
  6. Himmelfarb High School: A religious girls’ high school offering both religious and general studies.
  7. Tichon Hadash: A public high school known for its academic programs.
  8. Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel (WBAIS): An international school with an American curriculum, offering classes from preschool through high school.
  9. Pelech School: A religious girls’ high school that combines religious studies with a strong emphasis on academic excellence.
  10. Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance: A higher education institution specializing in music and dance.


Kids in Classroom Jerusalem
Kids in Classroom Jerusalem

When looking for the best school for your needs, consider factors such as the educational philosophy, language of instruction, religious affiliation, extracurricular activities, and the specific needs and preferences of your child.

Visiting the schools, talking to current parents, and researching their academic performance can also provide valuable insights into the school’s atmosphere and reputation.

Keep in mind that availability may change, and it’s advisable to contact the schools directly for the most up-to-date information.

Here are some notable Jewish schools in Jerusalem:

Jewish education Jerusalem Schools
Jewish education Jerusalem Schools
  1. Himmelfarb High School: A religious girls’ high school offering both religious and general studies.
  2. Boy’s Town Jerusalem: A religious Jewish high school providing a blend of religious and secular education.
  3. Pelech School: A religious girls’ high school that combines religious studies with a strong emphasis on academic excellence.
  4. Yeshivat Hakotel: A yeshiva for post-high school students focusing on Talmudic and religious studies.
  5. Netiv Aryeh: A yeshiva program for English-speaking students focusing on Jewish studies and Zionist education.
  6. Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush): A yeshiva with an emphasis on Religious Zionist values and Torah studies.
  7. Midreshet Lindenbaum: A women’s Torah study program combining religious and academic studies.
  8. Yeshivat Ohr Somayach: An international yeshiva offering Jewish studies for men of all backgrounds.
  9. Talmud Torah Chabad: A Chabad-affiliated elementary school providing Jewish and general studies education.
  10. Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls: A modern Orthodox high school for girls with a focus on both secular and religious studies.

It’s important to note that within the Jewish school system in Jerusalem, there are schools representing a spectrum of religious observance, ranging from secular to modern Orthodox to ultra-Orthodox (Haredi).

When choosing a school, it’s crucial to consider the school’s religious affiliation, educational philosophy, and the specific needs and preferences of your child.

Additionally, visiting the schools, meeting with administrators, and talking to current parents can provide valuable insights into the school’s atmosphere and approach to education.

Keep in mind that availability and specific details may change, so it’s advisable to contact the schools directly for the most up-to-date information.

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